TSN & RDS converts young generation with a live AR experience for FIFA World Cup live games

Dec 2022
Available on
IOS & Android

Trend shows a clear change in sports consumption among new generations, leaving behind traditional channels for digital ones : in capgemini 2023 study, 70% of fans declared they prefered to consume sports content on smartphones.

Beyond the live video streaming, they seek real-time statistics, in-depth player analysis, interactive highlights, and social media updates, all at their fingertips.

For the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Bellmedia through their two sport channel TSN and RDS wanted to address this change and offer something different : a fully digital experience, leveraging smartphones AR capabilities to go beyond the live stream and engage the new gen with the game, the players and their performance.


Total unique user over the competition


Watched multiple games


Engagement rate

What fans said...

“Really interesting, especially the live size players in your living room !”

“AR blows your mind, worth a try !”

Experience overview

Better analyze the game

It provided the live stream of the game as well as a interactive 3D representation of the game fans could use to have a better overview of the dynamics, and interact with to get a wide range of stats and analysis about player performances.

Entertain low moments

They could also entertain low moments and breaks placing their life size favorite player in their living room and share a selfie on social media.


This marked the first step of Bellmedia’s strategy to revolutionize their sports broadcast experience, aiming to captivate the new generation by making their viewing experience more interactive and personalized.

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